Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

my new school bag

i officially present you my new school bag. maybe you remember my last week's post about school bags and as you can see i chose the leather shopper from mango in a darker shade of brown (: on top of that, i bought this cute little calender for 2012, two pink notebooks and a new laptop bag. so now i'm perfectly ready for university. the preparation courses already began this monday and since then i'm sitting for 9 hours at school learning everything important (or not so important) about chemicals and physics. tough work for some? oh, no you don't know university's pre-courses: it's in fact really easy stuff. i thought about spending my next lasting days of the week at home or work ;)

hope you have a great week (:

2 Kommentare:

Nina hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar:) Die Tasche ist auch super schön! Bist du am gegenseitigen verfolgen interessiert?

Alenija hat gesagt…

Super schöne Tasche :)

Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar, hab mich doll gefreut!

Liebe Grüße