Montag, 12. September 2011

monday favorites: fall/winter booties

(1) akira
(2) belmondo
(3) bronx
(4) görtz shoes
(5) diesel
(6) diesel
(7) görtz by kaviar gauche

this fall, the shoe shops nearly explode by the mass of wonderful shoes in them. but, i swore to myself to wait until the glamour shopping week begins before i start buying some new boots. this is kinda a hard plan as i'm already totally obsessed with some of them. above, you see my top 7 at the görtz shop that is in fact part of this shopping week, but these hotties have to wait until next month ;)
in the meanwhile i started thinking about what kind of a shoes i want to have. the first thing i knew was that i wanted something like a bootie. the colour should be brown or grey or black and that was it.
so i started looking for some booties and the next questions appeared to me:
do i want something like in old wild west movies?
or something laced-up like for climbing up a mountain?
or do i want to have a wedged bootie?

these questions aren't solved or answered but luckily i still have some days to think about it ;)

so what do you think, which pair do you like the most? please tell me what you think (: my faves are (2), (4) and (7)

2 Kommentare:

Madeline hat gesagt…

Die sind ja wirklich süß :)
Finde die in der Mitte toll..
Dein Blog ist übrigens echt klasse!
Der Header sieht super aus ;)
Lust auf gg-seitiges Verfolgen?

Viele Grüße,
Madeline xoxo

Nina hat gesagt…

Die Boots sind alle toll! Ich kann mich gar nicht entscheiden, welche mir am besten gefallen!